Saturday, April 01, 2006
Trying out Picasa2

Here is a photo of one of the neighborhood cats, I wanted to get her close up but she just wanted me to pet her head. Everytime I got down to her level she ran towards me- so all of the close up shots turned out like this, a tad blurry. I still like this shot though... what do you think? Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 29, 2005
What color SHOULD my blog be??

Your Blog Should Be Purple
You're an expressive, offbeat blogger who tends to write about anything and everything.You tend to set blogging trends, and you're the most likely to write your own meme or survey.You are a bit distant though. Your blog is all about you - not what anyone else has to say.

What Color Should Your Blog or Journal Be?

This is funny because my MAIN blog (over at typepad) IS purple, fancy that!

Monday, November 21, 2005
I've got one hand on my Pocket Mod...

While perusing the message boards at I came across a mention of a really cool website. It shows you how to make a handy little booklet out of a normal sheet of printer paper (with a little trimming). I couldn't possibly explain it as good as they do on their website. It's called a Pocket Mod and it's my cool thing for the day.
Check it out now, thank me later.

P.S. if you are sitting here at this blog and wondering why i never seem to post anything... it's because i'm doing it elsewhere....

come and knock on our door, we've been waiting for you!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Words of widom Wednesday

Today is Words of wisdom Wednesday, no I didn't forget. I'm just late. I had grand plans of doing it up last night and having it ready to post first thing this morning but sleep won out. That and the fact that Mr. island was playing on line poker, we need another computer.
Anyway, I am borrowing today's quote from another blog that i recently discovered, BAD! Kitty Art Studio's Artists blog. Her name is Heather. Great blog and great artwork.
This quote is pretty self explanitory, and I remember reading it somewhere at school when i was younger and it stuck in my head ever since. I always pray for strength- first on my list- never trying to pray away my current conditions. I beleive that we meet everyone and experience all that we do in order to learn something, good or bad, to make us better people. There will always be obstacles in your life, it's best to wish for the strength to get through them than to wish they weren't there. No obstacles to challenge us?? What the heck fun would that be??


Monday, November 14, 2005
Bursting at the seams...

I'm not just talking about my pants either. My brain is just brimming with ideas right now. I was laying in bed for at least 2 hours last night thinking of all kinds of creative projects I'd like to do. How I would like to redo my halfbath, the mantle on the fireplace, the watercolor paintings I'm going to start and a large painting of the kids for my living room. It was nuts, i just couldn't calm my brain down enough to let me go to sleep. I should have gotten out my sketch book and started jotting things down... most of my ideas are probably already forgotten. One thing i did jot down before I fell asleep was a drawing of Paige (a charicature) as the beginning idea of a cutesy painting i want to do of nolan and Paige for the living room. I used Paige's crayons because they were the closest at hand.


The nose needs a little work but on a whole I kinda like how it turned out. The next step is working on a body for her and a layout for the painting. I did one of Nolan too, it turned out cute and prominently featured on his head was his swirly cowlick.
I'm off for lunch with Suz,
Chat with ya'll again later,
p.s. there is a new scrapbook layout in flickr if you care to look.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Words of wisdom Wednesday

Yes, can you believe it, yesterday was garbage day which means today is words of wisdom Wednesday.  That also means that tomorrow is music makers... just have to remind myself so i don't forget like last week. 
The weeks quote is one that i lifted from an email signature.  I have been a non-participating member of illustration friday for awhile and this quote is featured at the end of the weekly drawing theme emails.  I really like it.  Sure, being safe is comfy- but it is also Boring.  Once in awhile take your ship for voyage to far and exciting places that you've never been.  You most likely won't regret it and even if you don't enjoy yourself- you WILL have something to talk about for many moons ahead. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 27, 2005
Dora Meets the stylist.

Dora Meets the stylist.
Originally uploaded by island artist.
This morning i noticed that Paige's Dora doll had some of her hair cut off at crazy angles. So like any parent I asked her about it. She nonchallantly tells me that she cut it a long time ago. My gosh, where did the hair go? I never found any piles of cut hair in her bedroom or the bathroom... I'm just thankfull that it was Dora's bangs and not Paige's bangs. Whew!!

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Location: Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

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My Sexy neighbor Suz
My sister & her Bike
my flickr Photos
My Dad's Blog
Spewing 4th Art

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